Radiate Play
Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it. ~ Bernard Meltzer.
Don’t be so serious. Life’s a game. Get outside, remember nature and spend time with good friends and family. And that doesn’t have to be just on the weekends.
It can be easy to get caught up in life’s ‘dramas’ but no matter what is happening in your life, highs or lows, it’s important we remember that we’re here to play and always encourage one another, choose self-love over self-barrage, build conscious communities, foster positive change and be the most brilliant expression of ourselves.
I know at times, I’ve chosen to fall back on old patterns of suffering v. Making the conscious choice in every moment to radiate play and feel the dance of the universe within. It’s a habit worth forming. Let’s keep each other accountable for the things that truly matter. This is your daily reminder to own the day or the day owns you. The beautiful thing about Vedic Meditation is that it allows you to connect more with your true self, the bliss within ready to play and radiate happiness. Through this simple practice we have the answer to leading a more fulfilling and enjoyable life, providing us with the clarity to design the lives we desire.